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The alchemists of the One-Colour Regime on Feb 7, provided the Creative Intelligence Anarchy with a limited-time offer of 90-proof 'packing' snow. A poet was observed applying the policy of Poetry Proliferation and Proselytization by a group of firefighters who had been attending a fire across the street earlier that day. When POETENCY was completed, the poet began documenting the ephemeral snow graffiti. Cobourg's finest arrived, and stoodby to enjoy the application of poetry in the wild.
Poetry, all too often, is found snuggled up against other lonely poetry on library shelves. Poetry is found also in backroom bars or dainty tea salons. Poetry is invariably displayed on paper. Hardly ever is poetry found behaving like a verb in the public domain.
Please note that no formal environmental impact study had been conducted by any element of the Imagine Nation of the Peoples republic of Poetry. The materials were 100 percent organic and were delivered on site by the natural disorder of precipitation. The material consists of compressed crystals made of the finest blend of hydrogen and oxygen. Always there is an expiry date -- Best Before Spring.