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Nothumberland Today printed the below in their Letters-to-the-Editor, June 26 edition. The words coloured red were deleted by the editor.
I went to see ‘Sheltering Form’, the sculpture made by local resident, Frances Gage, that now sits in Victoria Park. Unfortunately I have to do a Simon Cowell on this work. (Simon Cowell is the blunt judge on American Idol)

As I stood there, I notice that I was looking DOWN at it, the position we assume when looking down on a dead body.

It is low enough for passing canines to relieve themselves on it or children to park their posteriors in the bowl of it. How utterly undignified. Someone on the Committee on Art in Public Spaces should have had a gram of competence to see this coming. At the very least, this mediocre sculpture should have been placed on a plinth, at a level higher than a urinal. Who is going to be liable if some unheeding running child trips over it and smashes their head on it? Who is going to be liable when it is covered with snow and some jogger trips and gouges themselves on it?
I suspect the motivation of this so-called art was so noble that it blinded the Committee on Art in Public Spaces. Did none have the aesthetic spine to inform an elderly woman artist that her devoted labours resulted in a piece of mediocrity that missed the mark and is an undignified pile of…
Simon Cowell has enough self-respect, and respect for the public, to tell a wannabe performer that the song was sung out of tune. Frances Gage’s work is out of tune in several respects and shame on the Committee on Art in Public Spaces for permitting this monstrosity to be dumped in our public space.

I've added your blog post to, I hope you don't mind. And feel free to add a link to to your blog.
Have a great day,
Chris Pelletier
I have no problem tooting my own horn, because, well because, I have a better horn.
The sculpture is so low that it invites the demeaning activity I describe. We all know that a fire hydrant invites it. It's not something I am encouraging. I am sure some drunken teenage jerks will use the work in an unsavoury manner.
Wally Keeler
I Quote you "I have no problem tooting my own horn, because, well because, I have a better horn"
You sound like a conceded ass !!
"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.
Stifeling free speech are we ??"
There it is, unstifled.
Oh yes, I am arrogant, but I take ownership of my conceit, horn and all else. But then again, there are spineless cowards like yourself who need to hide behind their precious apron of anonymity.
I'm armed with 45 calibre metaphors and surface-to-sentence similes.
"Gentlemen", I am from nearby. What would you have prospective visitors to our fair 'bourg think of your shenanigans??
Please do the rest of us who might stumble upon your blog, the consideration of airing your grievances in person, not in the public forum.
Perhaps the Marquis of Queensbury might do a better job of mediation?
I have not yet viewed the statue; however, your point on its elevation is well taken. Perspective is everything.
"Please do the rest of us who might stumble upon your blog, the consideration of airing your grievances in person, not in the public forum."
I will most definitely not comply with this request. The public domain belongs to the public. As far as I can make out, you are not Jennifer Lynch. the head censor of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, nor should you presume to be the Governness of the public domain.
I will argue vociferously for your right to voice whatever opinion/perception you have in the public domain, regardless of whether you extend the same right to others.
Thanks for the out of context paraphrasing.
"Thanks for the out of context paraphrasing."
Then do a bit of competent writing and put it into the context you think it deserves.
Now who's hiding behind an anonymous posting?
Excuse me while I turn around and zip up.
"am sure some drunken teenage jerks will use the work in an unsavoury manner."
This was the most ignorant blog I've ever read.
So what If the sculpture is too 'low' for your likings, their are tonnes of items around that can harm children and joggers.
A curb is just as dangerous. Unlesss someone has some form of mental disorder the lovely sculpture poses no harm to anybody and it's the furthest thing from looking like a piece of "doggy do" .It seems like the author of this blog try's way too hard to be .. well basically a smart ass and is also trying a tad too hard to have a name in the small town of cobourg, stop being so negative and try living life more positively.
You'll be much happier and people will respect you more as well.
Good day.
Hello there,
This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at
May I use some of the information from this blog post above if I give a backlink back to your site?
Huh. Troll.
How public is this blog, referring to your public domain ranting, when comments must be moderated? Kind of hypocritical, no?
Please give me your thoughts on Henry moore's art?
Henry Moore was there first. He was the original. Others are merely derivative.
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