June 13, 2009 was Cobourg's first open street bash, when German photographer, Thorsten Deuter dropped in to take in the sights of Cobourg. He happened to be sitting amongst the locals at the Human Bean, when a gregarious poet approached everyone with a Free Speech card and requested a photo op.
This act made an impression on Thorsten, who thought the tables should be turned, that the gesture is international. Free Trade in Free Speech; Free Speech for Redefreiheit. OK, so the photo appears on his (Pearl Jam) German site here: Note the clarity of a professional photographer compared to a snapshot poet.

You've got a lot of mileage out of the well used gimmick of the card. Something about all these pix jogged my memory back to what may have been the inaugural event; namely the "Deth of Personality" card from way back when.
It was silver and seems to me had my own SIN on it. I carried that thing around in my wallet for years, although I have no idea what happened to it in the end. Guess I grew up.
Obviously a good hook for your stunts though, with the advent of photo technology etc it seems to work well even into the new millenium.
Deb, you are referring to a silver Poetic Licence card. A sample card can be seen here: Click here
Interesting that you mentioned Death of Personality. I am collating images of that poetic event for posting, as well as editing some video of the same.
Click here
Lot of Cobourg folks in that, a procession of limousines and motorcylces outriders to bury a TV set live. Heh, heh, heh.
Spot some Cobourgers in this
The FREE SPEECH card has been a splendid project. There is a blog that is dedicated exclusively to that card. It can be found here: http://ihavefreespeech.blogspot.com
Not onyl will you see pictures of Governor General Award poets wielding it, but also Canada's Gold & Silver Olympic Equestrian Team proudly displaying their copies. There's doctors, dentists, Edward Scissorhands, Mafiosi, and many more, all giving themselves over to pose for FREE SPEECH propaganda.
Thorsten Geunter has begun the project in Germany on his web site. I did the card in a manner in which every issue that could pertain to it was eliminated -- that is to say, the issue of FREE SPEECH transcends right, left, centre, far out, etc.
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