“This past week was a little stressful as one of the respondents to the HRC case decided to use his office and all of the Catholic Churches in the Peterborough diocese to establish his authority, and my guilt, and to spread his version of recent events that is substantially different than what I perceive the facts to be (sound familiar?).”
Visit Jim’s Blog and click on the phrase “(sound familiar)” and it will take you to a web site describing the infamous Inquisition. So poor widdle Jimmy feels absolutely persecuted and tormented and being prepared for torture and execution by the evil powers of the Roman Catholic Church. That’s what the Inquisition was all about back in the dark ages. Jim Corcoran wants everyone to be convinced that this is what he is currently feeling. This is a man without a sense of proportion.
Corcoran starts off his opening paragraph whining about the week being “a little stressful” and finishes the paragraph by linking to the Inquisition no less. Should school students learn from this that the infamous Inquisition was an historical event that was a “little stressful” for the inhabitants of the dark ages. Is that what it was all about – a little stress? Really!
Jim Corcoran, recall, laid Ontario Human Rights charges against 12 parishioners and the local Bishop. Corcoran’s very public complaint against the Bishop was very detailed, extensive and thorough. How dare the Bishop respond ("spread his version of recent events") to Corcoran’s charges in public and to do so as the Bishop.
Yes, think of the Inquisition wherein the accused, the Bishop, has no right to face and question his accuser. Corcoran thinks that the Bishop should have no right to reply publicly to charges made in public. Corcoran also believes that the Bishop, charged as the Bisphop for Bishop duties should have no right to reply in public as the Bishop.
What planet of injustice is Corcoran living on?
People complaining against others via the Human Rights bureaucrazy, do not have to risk their financial livelihood. If Corcoran loses his case, he doesn’t have to pay court expenses, as is the case in civil courts, real courts, not tribunals. The taxpayers are picking up the tab for a human rights case about gay discrimination, that Corcoran himself has admitted is not the “central point.”
If there is an Inquisition here, it is coming from Corcoran and his merry band of politically correct inquisitors, the ones who swarmed Gordon Gilchrist in the recent past, now swarm around Corcoran chanting, “more power to the state.”
Man the torpedos Wally. Full speed ahead.
The bloggers are giving him hell, and the poor boy is not liking it one bit. Scary Fundamentalist did a nice bit about what happened in the Inquisition, and it's not quite the same, more the other way around.
If all goes well, Mr. Corcoran will rue the day that he ever stepped into this bucket of excrement, and well he should.
Scary Fundamentalist can be read by clicking HERE
It's unfortunate that Jim is using the Human Rights Tribunal which generally dispenses one-sided rulings but little justice. The only route allowed should be the real courts. On the other hand, the Church is hypocritical - it says welcome to gays but in this case has changed its mind mid-stream. The Catholic Church says it wants to be "loving" to everyone - but this is not true if someone complains.
I would be happy to see the Church get "slapped" whatever it takes. Maybe after this they will support disbanding this tribunal plus others in Ottawa and Alberta who have made bad decisions.
The Church did not change its mind about anything. The Bishop asked Jim Corcoran to step down to allow healing for the other parishioners, not because of anything Corcoran was doing himself. He has now made it about him, and is using Barbara Hall to redress a wrong that never occurred.
What you have is a spiritually immature man disobeying his spiritual father in the Church.
The church, just like the mosque, temple & synagogue, foment bigotry as a matter of course, however, I'm never happy to see The State presume to know how to soothe.
"The church, just like the mosque, temple & synagogue, foment bigotry as a matter of course, however, I'm never happy to see The State presume to know how to soothe. "
That's a throw away line without any serious thought to it, or truth for that matter. You can do better than that.
True, but I am about to sign off for a couple days of True North, and hasty
True, but I am about to sign off for a couple days of True North, and hasty
What a cruel and immature blog.
You should be ashamed that you allowed yourself to stoop to such a low level of human dignity.
I felt it was very racist, and showed the true colours of a isolated Cobourg old fart(s).
I applaud Jim for standing up for his rights, as a human, as a man, as a gay man. The chuch let him down, and so has his community.
We live in a free country, in 2009! Hello People! Wake up, grow up and come to terms with the times!
Embrace life, not differences. The small town attitude is tired. Use your words constructively Wally, and ...have a nice day!
Obviously you believe in the divine right of kings, er uh, of bureaucrats, to tell churches, mosques, temples, synagogues, wiccan wigwams, voodoo shacks, how to conduct their so-called holy rituals.
Bureaucrats know how a church should be run. Sure.
According to Jim Corcoran's own words, the gay issue is not the "central point" of why he initiated this pathic showdown.
Let Corcoran finance his petulent snit with the church from his own treasure.
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