I looked around at the perimeter of the park. There were several empty parking spaces on the streets that perimeter the park that could have been used for parking. Why weren't they used?
By what authority were these motor vehicles driven onto the lawns of Victoria Park and parked there? How does one obtain a permit to be able to drive and park a motor vehicle on park lawns? Who issued the permit? What length of time is covered by the permit. When is the permit effective?
How can Victoria Park be run over roughshod by locals for no necessary reason, especially in an environment when Cobourgers have been expressing outrage over the general abuse of Victoria Park and Beach?

Funny is it not? Uncontrolled crowds, crowded park, garbage galore, barbeques, foreigners, lawns used as parking lots.
Now which is it:
a)V Park on holiday weekends
b)water festival
c) ribfest
d) none of the above
e) all of the above
In 2009 more oil and grease damaged the lawns in Victoria Park by Ribfest than was done through the entire summer.
I wish Rib Fest could catch a break.
I agree that Town officials, the Rotary Club, and the Ribbers themselves, in that order, should be more careful and respectful of the land they are using for the Fest, and I am sure with a little care that can be achieved.
The Town must take the lead, although judging by how often I see Park trucks cruising across the lawns, they may need some education on that score first.
My reason for being such a fan of the Fest is that it feels to me like the one event that actually caters to adults. By that I mean not senior citizens (weekly band concerts), not kids and artsy fartsy uppity types (Waterfront Festival) and not the religious revival type shows we've seen in the past for the pious.
I'm talking adults; people who like live, loud rock and blues, who love a chance to sip a cold one in the Park without breaking any laws, and greasing up the fingers with good old pork ribs and corn.
It just feels good: not staid, not proper, not polite, definitely not quiet. The kind of event we need to liven things up around here, almost reminiscent of Louie's pavilion dances of the late 60's.
Surely with a little more care, this event can continue to bring a little fun into our prim and proper lifestyle for a couple of days a year.
Ribfest is fun. It can easily be held in James Cockburn Park or the former depot lands. Lots of space. No nearby residents to disturb. Doesn't crowd out the people who want to enjoy Victoria Park just as it is.
That may be the solution to the problem. Donegan Park might be good too.
But then I think about the Bandshell and how good the music sounds coming from that stage, and I have to admit I'd rather they just clean up their act and stay where they are.
For this year, I'm planning to enjoy every minute of it that I can manage. But I'll be paying more attention to the kind of stuff Wally has shown us while I'm there, too.
There's usually a solution if you look hard enough. Trying to get the attention of the Town is another matter altogether, unfortunately. They still haven't figured out that lots of people means lots of garbage and they'd better schedule staff to pick it up, not to mention adding more garbage cans where they're needed.
Donegan Park is closely surrounded by residents who may not take kindly to live loud rock and blues Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
This complaint would not arise if Ribfest were held on the former depot lands. Sound carries very well from good speakers on portable stages. I know one couple who live a block away from Vic Park, who are leaving town for the weekend, at their own expense, to avoid the noise -- one of them is currently undergoing chemo-therapy for a particularly vicious cancer.
Please note the daily updates of Ribfest on the blog.
No wonder why this town is SO incredibly boring to live in when you people keep complaining whenever something festive occurs! My God, this town is going to end up like a deserted town like what Port Hope is becoming. I was born in this town but I regret staying here for so long as I am depressed because of how boring it is and there is nothing fun to do here. Please don't take away the annual festivals because that's all we have here!
You know what, the actual sad part is that even with all the signs people don't pick up after their dogs, leave their garbage laying around, smoke where my kids play... Etc etc etc..... We live in a society where adults do as they please and don't follow the rules then claim "I didn't know" "I didn't see a sign" so guess what they put up more signs... If grown people Would act like adults and be accountable for their actions then all the signs wouldn't be necessary!!!!
You know what, the actual sad part is that even with all the signs people don't pick up after their dogs, leave their garbage laying around, smoke where my kids play... Etc etc etc..... We live in a society where adults do as they please and don't follow the rules then claim "I didn't know" "I didn't see a sign" so guess what they put up more signs... If grown people Would act like adults and be accountable for their actions then all the signs wouldn't be necessary!!!!
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