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Hard cinders laying on the ground at three locations. They are hard enough to cut bare feet, or the feet of dogs being walked.

The photo above was the first day Northumberland Ribfest began to load stuff into Victoria Park. Below is the same lawn the day after Northumberland Ribfest departed with Cobourg holding the bag for the repairs to Victoria Park.

There were complaints by local residents that visitors from outside town should leave Victoria Park in the same condition as they found it. Surely, Northumberland Ribfest should be expected to do the same.

Small wood chips from near the bandshell were sprinkled on the most severe oil/grease burns in an attempt to absorb and/or cover-up the lawnscar. Two women walking their dogs said that was a stupid thing to do. "What about the bare feet of children or our dogs?"

There were 28 of these cylinders left overnight to August 24. Northumberland Ribfest had made its first footprint in Victoria Park a week earlier.

At several locations grass was glistening with oil/grease.

One Cobourg resident had complained about an out-of-towner using a charcoal bbq near the lawn bowlers. I wonder how they feel about this worse damage by Northumberland Ribfest.

The above was a trail of cooking grease/oil. Note the overflowing bin with garbage bags around it. It is very similar to an image taken a month previous by Pete Fisher & positioned it in Northumberland Today. [It should be noted that the parent org for Northumberland Today is listed as a "media partner" on the website of Northumberland Ribfest]
Shocking ! This is not acceptable!
Oil, garbage, mud holes and trash. Who will pay for the damages? Who will apologize for the damages?
First, we are paying an incredible amount of money to see grass cutting ONLY. Park maintenance in Cobourg is not serious.
Secondly, nothing is done to maintain properly trees or grass. Park & Recreation committee supports only thirsty annuals only. Finally, nothing is being under supervision, not even the summer students. Our local tv should film this committee.
WHAT ABOUT A REAL CHANGE, in this lifetime. This is what I propose:
1.- Rotary can take their costly flower clock back,(nobody wanted this project to start with, and our taxpayers have to support this costly, yes very costly gift!)If they want a clock, they should support it entirely, yes every year, and put it at the entrance of our Town, near the welcoming information kiosque.
2.- Remove the modern monument honoring the work of our harbour railing employee. It was supported by Mr. Deveau only. This is free advertisement for 100 years.No reason to be there at all!
3.- Take the cenotaph away, move it to the Legion Village or the barracks. They deserve better.
4. - NO more BBQ in O U R heritage park and no more rotary club festivies in it. They deserve a new place with loud music and dancing (dancing contest with prizes) would be appropriate, including a shelter over tables.
5.- Move the lawn bowling who rents the land for the sum of $1.00to the Town and put it on the old demolished pump house site, right on the point. Recently the lovely site of this waterfront is closed to the public. They can have a friendly restaurant as well, and become more friendly.(What do you want? they always ask when we visit them.)
CONCLUSION FOR THE USE OF VICTORIA PARK: Let's have a real heritage park, with trees and grass only for our own pleasure, and let's gate it, like in Europe. (details will be worked out, if you are not used to gated park. Maintain it well, kick the dirty cowboys with filth out of it and no more littering! THIS TIME MAKE MONEY WITH THE OFFENDERS $200. FINE LITTERING or DAMAGING the park (if it's good enough for parking in a wheelchair spot, why not for soiling our heritage Park).
Who will pay for those suggestions ? THE ROTARY and they will not put their lovely sign this time. WHY? This park belongs to all the citizens of Cobourg, not the ROTARY only.
Who said the outsiders are damaging our parks? Make them pay for the project of the park as well.
I suggest the whole event be moved to the parking lot at Northumberland Mall.
Yes, people are pigs!!!!!!!!
The two anonymouses' posts would be hilarious except they are serious apparently.
Move the War Memorial out of the Park? Are you crazy Anon. #1? What about all the years of tradition and ceremonial honour and mourning that it represents? Doesn't that matter in the new millenium?
Same goes for the lawn bowling club. They tried and failed to get space in our brand new hockey rink masquerading as a community centre, why don`t you leave them alone and in peace. As long as people are using it to full capacity, and they are, leave them be.
As to a gated `heritage park`, why not stick a plastic dome over it and call it a museum. People can look but never touch. You`d like that, I`ll bet.
For another thing, just who gets the job of identifying the`dirty cowboys` What is a dirty cowboy anyway, someone who doesn`t wear a nice polo shirt and bermuda shorts with a Tilley hat perched on top.
As to Anon 2, all I can say is a loud OINK OINK. The park and beach are for everyone, not just the old guard who think they know it all.
Oinker typed, "park and beach are for everyone, not just the old guard who think they know it all."
... and not just the Northumberland Ribfest either. Victoria Park is for everyone, including the countless children that are duckied to the park from assorted daycares, small bare feet, running over oil/grease, as well as beer bottle caps, pop can finger pulls, and other small debris left behind by 'oinkers'.
Mr. Keeler knows exactly what sharing green space is. He like I have had a good taste of Europe, small towns and big cities like.
Green space is not decorative, it is needed and for profound reasons. It is a complex study the landscaping for the well being of citizens, but green spaces are there for the health of citizens and they emerged from studies which started in the Roman Empire.
Here in Cobourg, our heritage Park, yes HERITAGE PARK is the result of little clubs, each club IS REPRESENTED BY ITS OWN AREA. It's a sign of a clicky Town, as opposed to collectiveness and the well-being of all. In other words nothing is for the general good of all the people, young and old. A perfect heritage soft recreation park has to justify peacefulness and love with nature.
This is not an opinion. This is EDUCATION Mr.OINK.
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