Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No wonder Northumberland Today readership is declining

The professional petulance of the editorialistas of Northumberland Today continues;

Last week, Northumberland Today published an 313-word editorial with which I whole-heartedly agreed. Click here to read it: A freak of nature , Point of view , May 13, 2009. The editorial ended with this sentence: "A word of caution to the politicians who so hated the term 'frink' applied to the rink/fountain project: go with 'water feature', it becomes a 'freak'."

I sent a 53-word letter-to-the-editor (below) to offer a better description of the frinkenstein monstrosity. Below is the letter in its entirety that Northumberland Today decided should not grace its mediocre pages. No wonder the readership of Northumberland Today continues to decline.

"The Viewpoint, A Freak of Nature, May 13 asserted that politicians hated the term “frink” to describe the rink/fountain project. The author of The Viewpoint failed to step beyond their mediocrity, thinking of themself as a clever wit by calling it a “freak”. It is more appropoetic to call it a freakenstein monster."

1 comment:

Wally Keeler said...

You've got it inverted William. I've excluded no one. "which is to say, simply, for everyone except Wally."