Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cobourg Candidates Don't Leave Home Without It

Click on image to enlarge


Anonymous said...

Northumberland News does nothing at all to inform voters. The public press makes me angry about the lack of real news 11,500 voters don't have to shape their opinions.

The mayor of a Town, should be friendly, positive and talk upfront about his platform and discuss the budget of 2010-2014. Will a candidate-mayor make the budget more friendly-user to his constituency ? What does he intend to target? What does he want to address? Does he think the Rotary has too much power in this Town? Would he question the Rotary in order to disclose themselves ? If they are no longer needed, why should our constituency support them ?
I listened to interviews on the Toronto campaign. They discussed on the air, how a mayor gives the "tone" to his administration.
I believe Cobourg lives his politics in a long, long time, under a "negative clout". The hush-hush confidential style of the after war is still here.
Furthermore, retaliation is in operation in Cobourg. Free speech is not fully here at the wishes of some.

Anonymous said...

F. Rowden and B.MacDonald (who never put a sign BEFORE) if elected will give the greatest free speech of the old guard !

Nothing will change in Cobourg with those two: more taxes, more studies, more free meal tickets etc...

Anonymous said...

Close your mouth Bill, a fly could get in !