Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pst -- Ben Burd Doesn't Like What I Wrote Below

Last March 24, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a resolution concerning Syria entitled, 'Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan'. It was sponsored by (snare drum roll) Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, the Group of Arab States, the Group of African States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, an erstwhile bloc of outstanding human rights role models, yessiree.

The text of the resolution reads, "The Human Rights Council [is] Deeply concerned at the suffering of the Syrian citizens ... due to the systematic and continuous violation of their fundamental and human rights by Israel..." That's it. Not a word about the perpetual torture of countless civilians in Syrian custody; re. Mahar Arar.

The UN Human Rights Council in collusion with the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly concerns itself with the transgressions of the only real and functioning democracy in the Arab ummah -- Israel. Can anyone point to a UNHRC resolution that is critical of any Arab dictatorshit in recent years?

Year after year, the UNHRC displays itself as a fascist Jew-bashing organization. In the last session the UNHRC adopted the same number of resolutions and decisions condemning Israel, as the rest of the 191 UN countries combined. Get it? 190 countries versus 1 country. What does that tell you?

This is not an anomaly -- it is chronic, year after year. Oh, and guess which democracy is systematically denied a seat on the UN Human Rights Council. Go ahead, guess. Israel. How’s that for inclusiveness, eh? How’s that for apartheid! The defendant is denied the human right to defend themself by a Human Rights Council no less. The Israeli Knesset has Arab/Palestinian representation; a Palestinian is a Supreme Court judge; the Palestinian or Arab people living inside Israel enjoy more rights and freedom than Palestinian or Arab people living in Arab countries. There is far more apartheidism in the Arab ummah, and it is far more brutal and deadly.

Typical of Western stupidity, U.S. UN Ambassador, Eileen Donahoe last year declared, “We are coming to the end of a session that has marked a significant shift at the Human Rights Council. We believe this session has been important in part because it coincided with an important moment in history, and because the Council has shown itself able to deal with changing circumstances on the ground…

Sure. You believe that don't ya?

Recently the UN published Syria's 'pledge': “Promotion and protection of human rights are of highest importance to Syria…Syria’s candidature to the Human Rights Council signifies its commitment to respect and to support the inalienable and indivisible nature of all human rights.” Syria went on to say "Syria believes that its membership on the Human Rights Council would contribute towards enriching the quality of dialogue...aimed at the promotion and protection of human rights for all peoples”.

The U.N. General Assembly, which elects members to the Human Rights Council, are required to "take into account the contribution of candidates to the promotion and protection of human rights and voluntary pledges and commitments made thereto." It is easy to see that a UNHRC member can make a “voluntary pledge and commitment” then continue to betray human rights in their own country and undermine it in the world community via the UNHRC fig-leaf.

Will Syria become a member of the UNHRC this May 20, when candidates are presented to the UN Assembly for election? Well, note that just last June 8, a Syrian diplomat spoke to the Human Rights Council about Israel; “This is a state that is built on hatred. Let me quote a song that children on a school bus in Israel sing merrily as they go to school and I quote ‘with my teeth I will rip your flesh with my mouth I will suck your blood.'"

This is how renown ngo, United Nations Watch replied to that blood libel:

Last year Qaddafi pledged that “the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya is fully committed to the promotion and protection of human rights principles.” A whopping 82 percent of the U.N. General Assembly thought that was sufficient to welcome Libya into the UN’s idea of a human rights agency. The likelihood that Syria will get a seat on the Human Rights Council looks good so far. After all, the Security Council can’t even get together to rap Syria’s knuckles with a mere tsk-tsk statement.

Forget that Syria is a family dictatorshit of Alawites, a ruling minority of Shia Muslims, thus the affinity with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas. Forget that the family dictatorshit owns everything. Forget that the family dictatorshit shoots to kill unarmed demonstrators and funeral mourners. Forget that the family dictatorshit abducts and tortures civilians on a scale beyond our wildest dreams. Ask Mahar Arar. Forget that the Syrian family dictatorshit receives assistance in repression technology from the theological tyranny of Iran. Forget that the Syrian family dictatorshit tortures Canadians, and Iran rapes, tortures and murders Canadians.

Forget it all, and stand tall with those progressive dupes supporting the idiocy of a so-called apartheid of Israel, while all around Israel, hundreds and hundreds of millions suffered unspeakable apartheid repression by their own dictators, and the so-called Arab Spring testifies to the truth coming from the mouths of millions: We Want Freedom. Not freedom from Israel, but freedom from Arab dictatorshit. That’s the people speaking. Are the useful idiots of the Israeli Apartheiders listening?


Anonymous said...

Who is Ben Burd and why does it matter if he doesn't share your opinion on this? Isn't everybody entitled to their own opinion?

Wally Keeler said...

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I never suggested anything to the contrary.

Once More Weighty said...

Who is Ben Burd? He runs a failed experiment to create an online media portal geared in large part to be an alternative view of local Town of Cobourg / County of Northumberland municipal politics. Wally was born and raised in Cobourg and now lives there again. For a long time, Wally acted as an alternative voice at the Burd Report and was a welcome regular contributor. On May 10, 2011, Mr. Burd announced there in reply to another writer of regular comments, "Wally's gone and you don't want to know why" which sounds to me like someone got into a fit of pique and imposed a ban. An interesting fact: the number of comments at the Burd Report as well as the range of different individuals making comments has been dwindling for a while but in the month and a half since Ben's declaration that "Wally's gone and you don't want to know why" this decline is much more marked. Wally and I often disagreed in the comments section, frequently with vehemence. Other people may or may not like Wally, may or may not agree with comments he chooses to make but they do seem to value the openness and democracy of the internet. An oft-repeated lesson of the internet is that users will punish site-operators if they act as unilateral and arbitrary dictators. I would have thought Ben Burd would have learned that. Heavy-handed operation of the Burd Report hurts the Burd Report. Ben's stated goal was always to see the Burd Report grow in size and influence as a new media success. Instead, Ben is the author of the Burd Report's decline. As Wally said, Mr. Burd is entitled to his opinion and he is entitled to dwindling success as a result of mishandling his online experiment.

Wally Keeler said...

I got fed up with the arbitrary censorshit. Deb O blathered on the day before how liberal the BR is, and how it doesn't practice censorshit except in exceedingly limited circumstances. So I send a comment which contained partial quotes and the url of three Canadian writers (Rex Murphy for one) and that had been published in 3 different mainstream outlets. The comments pertained to Sid Ryan. Deb O said she received an email and asked if she could delete two of the quotes. I replied that I wanted to withdraw the comment in toto. She replied, Now Hold On. I replied fuck off, the same way that she has addressed me more than once. Ben jumped in to ask me if the article I wrote on Syria, that I had sent days before but he never replied with the courtesy of an acknowledgment of receipt, (arrogant idiot he is) he held up for an apology. He made a point of not liking the Syria article. I told him to fuck off.

I've worked for several editors of publications, real ones, and I can say that the BR is largely a circle jerk by Ben Deb & Dan. They delude themselves that they are an alternative anything. Deb is set in her hippie dippie farout man groovy public displays of civic concerns about the indignities of having to live on no-name products. They are sophomoronic.