Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bland Alarm in Prosedale

These devices have been installed in enclaves for the upper Ivory Tower. This Bland Alarm was located in the enclave of Prosedale in the city of Poempeii. These are remote areas from you and me. Sometimes the great novelist will reach out with the long arm of the autograph. It is the extension of the policy that gov’t must be at arm’s length from the adjudication of arts grants. This is the enclave of summits, meritocrazy prevails. Extraordinary measures are taken to coddle these gifted sentient beings.

The Bland Alarm is set up to provide immediate decontamination if an outbreak of blandmess occurs. So who you gonna call? Blandbusters! A breakout of Banksy in Poempeii.

The Bland Alarm has not been utilized for well over ten years now. The last time was the night some teenage redestructivemess poets stoned on poorly planned conceptualism tipped over a pick-up truck loaded with three bales of pulp friction to demonstrate our vulnerability to pollutants.

Pneumatic trucks from Vowel Movement were on site within the hour. It’s a gated community. Poemland Security protects inspiration. Security devices have been set up to measure trace amounts of mediocrity.
Click on image to enlarge

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