Tuesday, July 14, 2009


"July 13, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In what some critics of the embattled Canadian human rights commissions say could be the most intrusive human rights case in Canada thus far, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) has accepted the complaint of a homosexual man who was dismissed by the Bishop of Peterborough as an altar server. While the bishop has refused to publicly comment on the matter, the complainant in the case says that the bishop asked him and his same-sex partner not to serve on the altar so as to avoid public scandal."

More on the above story CLICK HERE

Meanwhile the local mainstream media (Northumberland Today, Northumberland News) continues to hit the snooze button. What is it that they say, oh yes, serving the community.

But take a look at all the writers of Northumberland Today. None were born and bred in Cobourg. They don't know the Cobourg stories. When they do write nostalgic stories, it is about other communties, not Cobourg. It is a pathetic shame.

Northumberland Today is serving their masters in Toronto, not serving the community in Cobourg.


Deb O'Connor said...

Since when does a reporter have to be born and raised in a community to be employed by the local media?

For a guy who says he believes in freedom, this latest tirade is remarkable even for him. I wonder who gets to be Big Brother and dictate who gets what jobs?

Come to think of it, Mr. Keeler has lived outside Cobourg for much of his adult life, perhaps he has lost the right to comment on local affairs by now.

I hereby decree that the only persons allowed to make comment on Cobourg affairs are those that not only were born here (Ben Burd, you're OUT) but those who have lived within the Town limits (no Hamilton Township or Port Hope commentators please) for the last 20 consecutive years.

Gee, that might just leave me and Manfred S. all by ourselves. The rest of you can take up knitting.

Wally Keeler said...

"Since when does a reporter have to be born and raised in a community to be employed by the local media?"

Who made such a stupid idiotic suggestion that a reporter has to be born and raised in a community to be employed by the community newspaper? Certainly wasn't me. Are you shadow boxing again Deb?

"For a guy who says he believes in freedom, this latest tirade is remarkable even for him."

For a broad who believes in truth, this latest response has no basis whatsoever.

"I wonder who gets to be Big Brother and dictate who gets what jobs?"

Well Mr Corcoran calls on Big Bitch to coercively force the Catholic Church to utilize volunteers of his choosing to conduct the ceremonial rites of the church. Whatever happened to seperation of church and state?

Deb O said...

Whatever became of good manners? Are blog owners exempt?

Can you not disagree with me without being so rude? Is it necessary to call me a broad who makes stupid idiotic suggestions just because you didn't agree?

And who is Big Bitch, Barbara Hall or the Human Rights Commission? If it's the former, then that's extremely rude too.

But I forget, it's all about shock value isn't it? Our very own Howard Stern without the originality.

Wally Keeler said...

"Whatever became of good manners? Is it necessary to call me a broad."

Where's your respect when you write "For a guy who says he believes in freedom"

If you want respect, then give it. It would have been respectful if you wrote, "For a person, for a man, for an individual who believes in freedom." Get it?

Yes, Big Bitch. Reference to the Ontario Human Rights Commission AND head honcho, Pope Babs. Yes, it is extremely rude, and she deserves it with her drive-by scoldings.

Big Bitch (lucky for me I didn't use Butch) is a divergence from Big Brother. For decades I have heard Big Brother; always the negative in terms of the male gender, so I decided that the female gender can take some of the negativity, and I wanted to keep the alliteration of BB, and Bitch served its purpose in many respects.

After all, you permit yourself to write denigrating terms about old white men at hockey games etc. Get off your self-righteous high horse of such word pettiness, oh my, tut tut, you can't use this or that word.

You're like a leftover residual from Ann Landers or else a neo-Landers.

"Our very own Howard Stern without the originality."

You are on quicksand with this remark MZ O'Connor. Looking at your writing capabilities, you haven't a shred of originality nor wit -- in terms of originality, next to me you're a bloated bland gland, along with Ben Burd, Manfred Schumann, et al. Yes I'm arrogant about it. It is the one valid talent that I have, and I will use it vigorously, whether ANYONE likes it or not.

And I used it against Sanwin who spoke ill against you in another thread on this blog. My My What a gallant sociopath bastard I is.

You can call me what you want and write disparaging remarks against my talent, as you have on more than one occassion, and really, I don't mind, but don't come whining to me if I return it two for one or three for one.
I like it when you feel you can take your shoes off and put your feet up on the couch or coffee table and just be yourself. Just try not to be a spouse.

Deb O said...

OK I will concede I was nagging just a little bit and might have sounded like Ann Landers just a little bit too.

You drive me crazy but at least you're lively enough that I want to read your blog so you must be doing something right. Some of the time, anyway.

Wally Keeler said...

Deb, I have as much civility as a yokel coming in out of the bush after the rainy season and walking into someone's else without taking my boots off.

I'm villaging in Killaloe for 2 or 3 or 4 weeks. One of your comments a couple weeks ago set a spark under my butt. I've been spending time researching it and got most of the info. You mentioned the starling issue on Chapel Street way back in the day.

I mentioned this to several people, the oldies, who remembered bits a pieces. The more I was able to elicit the more the story is incredible. I don't want to give away all the details yet, and while I have time up here, I may make the story a two-parter.

You're a rip roaring passionate woman for the things that you do. You go girl.

I was in Manfred's store the day before departing, big laugh on our verbal dustup, I got a rotten mouth with sharpe teeth and soft heart, I said to myself.

Keep on keepin' on, Deb. We strengthen each other and ourselves just as we did with solving world problems over filthy coffee cups and ashtrays at Ho Lee Gardens

Deb O said...

Am looking forward to more on the starling shoots, they really seem like something out of the Twilight Zone when I think about it.