Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meanwhile Across the Street

Click on image to enlarge


Anonymous said...

Sad enough to build your tourism industry on a park looking like this. Hyde Park, New York state is such a great beauty ! Emerald green, with the names of the trees, well looked after. The wealthy American and British who founded this place had such a beautiful inventory of Trees and flowering shrubs (less demanding than annuals.) Look at the old post cards and compare.
Thank you again for reporting the park news.

Anonymous said...

Yes Hyde Park is a dream. If we want the same quality of park, I suggest the following, as the Town fails to do it :

Rule number one: no tents, trucks, and wild parties in the park.

Rule number two: a group of private citizens should take over the upkeeping of the park, and receive minimal salary. Extra jobs for sweepers with a broom, weeders by hand etc... ONLY MANUAL WORK AND PRIVATE LAWN MOWERS.

If we decide to gate it (like Osgoode Hall)citizens could get a tax credit. One policeman will whistle the closing and will put the lock. It works in many parts of the world, why not here !!!