Tuesday, September 14, 2010


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Deb O said...

Wow, Gil Brocanier smiling! I didn't know he knew how. He is almost achieving a state of cool in that photo. Now I have to recalibrate my whole sense of who he is.

Being a somewhat older brother of the two siblings I played with as a kid on Cottesmore Avenue, I never really knew him, and fell into the trap of thinking he must be an old fogey 'cause he's older than me. I mean, he never played along with us back in the day.
He was too good for us little kids.

Hmmm. Gil, can you play the sax like Bill Clinton did? That would cinch it for sure. Wear shades too.

Cobourg could use some cool at Town Hall. I'll bet it was Delanty who forbade you to smile too.

Wally Keeler said...

I can arrange shades.

Btw, I have photos of Manfred Schuman holding a FREE SPEECH card, also David Glover and now another. I am hoping to get a group photo of all the candidates holding up their FREE SPEECH for a poetganda photo op bearing the slogan:


Ps. Watch in the future (next year) when I appear before town council dressed as a pine tree. Hee hee. Democracy and freedom are such fun.

Fools Rule!